1 After opening the package.
2 Parts in the kit
3 Option with extra BS170 to add more power (~1 Watt) and with higher voltage, (no jumper between PA and +5V !)
4 Parts for the relay-switched LPF assembly
5 Parts for the relay-switched LPF assembly.
6 Display and main PCB
7 PCB backside. Additional 3 pins (at red arrow) to connect to a frontswitch for the display background illumination (OFF, Low and High)
8 Assembled pcb with the jumpers and one BS170 in the +PA section for the RF to test first with low power.
9 Same pcb but now prepared for high QRP power and prepared for on-board programming.
Jumper between PA and +5V removed.
10 Assembled pcb (prepared for on-board programming via 5x2 pin header) with the 7 MHz LPF in position 0.
11 Assembled pcb (prepared for on-board programming via 5x2 pin header) with the 7 MHz LPF in position 0.
12 Assembled pcb, prepared for high QRP power and prepared for on-board programming. The three FETs BS170 with additional mini-heatsinks (sticked with thermal foil).
Jumper between PA and +5V removed.
13 Assembled PCB connected to the display board. Cooling of the three FETs BS 170 with heatsinks (thermal foil is used).
14 Assembly inclusive the blue DDS module with 40 mtr (7 MHz) LPF. On top of the 125 MHz DDS there is a alu heatsink mounted with thermal foil.
15 Assembled Relay-switched LPF board
16 Assembled Relay-switched LPF board (backside)
17 Relay-switched LPF board with LPF for 30, 20, 17, 15 and 10 meter band.
18 Behind the red LED an Alu heatsink is visible (sticked on the enclosure of the 125 MHz DDS with thermal foil). Right of the sixteenth pin below are the three pins (one pin visible) of the display background illumination control. Right of the heatsink the 40m LPF.
19 All the hardware fitted together. Display at the front, the LPF board at the backside
20 Assembeled with the frontplate of the housing
Parts and assembly